Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shoe Fair 2010 and a Change of Paths...

Ok, so the blog has a new name, and a new path to travel down. As I am no longer fully immersed in Gorean roleplay except for the occassional foray, I still wanted a way to highlight my favorite Gorean designers, and be able to blog about some of their more mainstream and their other designs in non-Gorean roleplay clothing. Plus....I had another blog talking and giving out my tips for survival in the RL, like kids happy snacks and drinks and such. And well, my goal this year has been to simply my life. Look at it deeply, slim down and trim down what I can and live a simply happier life so I can do all the things I love to do, without feeling rushed or guilty if something slacked.....

So here came Cookies & Roleplay!

Why Cookies? Well, meet me once, or talk to my friends, and the best prescription I have for everything is cookies.....even in Second Life. And Roleplay, well simply cause I still roleplay. I love roleplay, and that will never disappear out of my life.

So the name just created itself: Cookies & Roleplay.....

Now, Shoe Fair 2010! I went, I saw, I loved, and I am not even a shoeaholic! However, the thing is I am not a shoeaholic...but when you go, you HAVE to go by Zaara, her new shoes, a required buy! And great slippers for a Gorean Free Woman....I'll blog about that later.....

Delora Starbrook, with the help of my friend Syngen and others, created an awesome, rustic 4 sim complex of American Heartland. Barns and silos....bails of hay and milkcans. Believe me, sooo worth the trip. The Shoe Fair this year donates to Soles4Souls ( ) which is a wonderful organization that for one US dollar, can provide a new or gently worn pair of shoes to those in need.

So please, even if you arent a shoeaholic, go to the Shoe Fair, and if you dont spend all you budgeted for shoe purchases, find one of those awesome milkcans and dump the rest of the Lindens in. Because while we can buy plenty of shoes in Second Life, there are way too many people in RL who cant purchase even one pair for themselves, much less an avatar.

Shoe Fair 2010

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