Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This post was done for twothreesixfive, a blog documenting people's lives between their RL and Sl lives. Check it out at: http://twothreesixfive.wordpress.com/

December 15th, not one of my favorite days of the year. See, this is the day my mother died, the day I had to go to the hospital with my brother and my fairly recent step-father, say good bye and turn off the machines on the most vibrant person I had ever known. They all cried and I was just numb, but I had been numb for hours, since the call right before an anthropology final that she was in a coma. Numb through the rushed flight to Utah from Texas. Numb to the hospital. And then looking at that small body, dead due to Hepatitis C, the body that just looked like a shell. Numb for many months afterwards.

Christmas is not my favorite time of year, but my mom sent me a gift, a little boy to make sure I always have a reason to smile at the holidays. And now he is four, really excited about Santa and snow and reindeers and OMG, Christmas lights! He loves Christmas lights. After being convinced to put up *one more* strand of lights, I read the six books he coaxes me into and finally get the elf to bed.

Finally, some time for the rest of my family, my partner Lucius, and the ragtag family we have picked up along the way that call Mists of Haven home. All former goreans, now we are just family, the Pack, the Foxrose Clan. We run around our sim, laughing, picking on each other, dancing the night away and planning future adventures and roleplay avenues. All of us are individuals in RL, with the lives that get replicated across the world. Yet in SL we have found deep and lasting friendships and family we just can’t live without. We back up each other, defend each other, love each other.

SL started out as a class project in cyber anthropology, then it became the way for a single mom & student to have her adult life and interactions. Then a way for me to explore my storytelling and creative sides. Now it holds my extended family, the ones who keep me sane on this lousy day.

About Jadxia Lexenstar: She holds a degree in Cultural Anthropology, a Texan transplanted to beautiful Oregon. She is the single mother to a too smart four year old, who keeps her delightfully young. The other RL family includes a nephew who lives with her, a fat cat named Harley. Her SL exploits vary, but she is the owner of SkyClad Creations, blogs occasionally on Cookies & Roleplay (http://www.cookiesnroleplay.blogspot.com/) , bribes her friends and family with cookies, and spends most nights coaxing her partner to dance with her.